Making bread in a bread machine is a very practical and rewarding way of enjoying homemade loaves. Using a bread maker streamlines the process and makes it much easier.
I began my yeast bread-baking journey when I got my first bread machine in 1999. I had been making quick breads since I was a young girl, but was intimidated by yeast so I hadn’t delved much into the process of making yeast breads until I got the bread maker. It was a Sunbeam. Little did I know that when I got that first bread maker, it would be the catalyst for my lifelong love of bread baking. Those loaves were intoxicating!
I started out making basic loaves completely in the bread machine, then I moved onto using the bread maker just to mix and knead the dough. After the machine finished its dough cycle, I would shape the loaf, place it in a loaf pan, and bake it a conventional oven.
Doing it this way, allowed me to get my hands on the dough without having to do all of the work. And, because I was a little intimidated at the thought of making bread disasters in my kitchen, letting the machine mix and knead the dough, helped me to learn how yeast dough should feel and what it looks like when its kneaded properly.
These days, I enjoy making breads completely by hand whenever possible. However, there are still times when a bread machine comes in handy so I haven’t gotten rid of my trusty friend.
Honey & Beer Bread Machine Rye Bread
Are you new to bread machine baking?
If you’re just starting out, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the different features of your bread machine. Start with a simple white loaf and watch what happens when the machine transforms the ingredients into a beautiful loaf of bread. From there, the possibilities are endless!
Try this basic bread machine Old Fashioned Oatmeal Bread. I started making this bread years ago and my sons still request it. It’s really simple to make and tastes so good.
You might also enjoy this Einkorn Oatmeal Bread. It’s made using the same recipe but includes some einkorn flour in addition to the bread flour.
What kinds of bread can you make in your bread maker?
Many different types of bread can be made in a bread maker. You have the option of making bread completely in the bread pan or making the dough in the machine, then shaping the loaf by hand and baking it in a conventional oven. Either method brings it’s own unique rewards and experiences both in taste and texture.
Try one of these bread machine recipes
If you are just learning how to make bread, a bread maker is a great way to start. You can bake the loaf completely in the bread maker pan or when you get more comfortable, use the bread maker to mix and knead the dough, then take the dough out, shape it and bake it in a conventional oven.
Adapt your favorite recipe for use in your bread maker.
If you have a favorite conventional bread recipe, you can convert it to use in your bread maker. Just remember to reduce the volume of your original recipe to fit the flour and liquid capacities of your bread machine. Most recipes will need to be reduced by half or two-thirds to suit the machine.
Bread Machine Cookbooks are very useful resources for learning how to bake bread in a bread maker. You’ll be baking bread like a pro in no time.
hello we have just bought a bread machine and the first time we tried it with a bread mix it was ok but something was missing? is there anything you add apart from water and oil? advice much appreciated .
Hi Dave, When you say it was just okay, what do you mean? Was it dry, or dense, meaning it didn’t rise well or just lacking in flavor like perhaps the salt was missing? The basic bread ingredients are flour, water, salt and yeast. Did the bread mix come with a packet of yeast? Was it a white or whole wheat mix?
Just got a bread machine…can I make your sprouted wheat bread in a bread machine?
Hi Judy,
Are you referring to the sprouted wheat bread with no flour
or the sprouted bread that includes some sprouted wheat along with flour
I’ve never tried making either of these in the bread machine, but I would think the bread that is made with flour and sprouts would work okay.
If you’re referring to the sprouted wheat bread with no flour, then I wouldn’t recommend it. The sprouts need to be processed before you can mix the dough. I’ve used a stand mixer to mix the dough before but only after processing the sprouts using a meat grinder.
If you are referring to a different bread altogether, let me know.
Happy Baking!
Hello, we have just purchased White Spelt Flour and would like to use it to make a loaf of bread
in our bread maker.
Do you have a recipe for this White Spelt Flour for the bread maker?
Thank you,
Hello Joan,
We do not have a bread machine recipe that specifically calls for spelt flour. Generally, you can substitute white spelt for regular bread flour one for one. However, you may need to reduce the liquid by about 25% and check the dough during the mixing cycle. If the dough looks too dry, add additional water, a tablespoon at a time, as the machine is mixing the dough. Alternatively, if the dough is too wet, you can add more flour, a tablespoon at a time, during the mixing cycle.
Happy Baking!