Home > Bread Recipes > Breads made with Semolina
Semolina flour is a finely ground flour made from Durum wheat, a high-protein wheat flour used in pastas. When added to breads, this creamy-colored flour provides a sweet, almost winey aroma.
Semolina flour has more flavor and protein than white flour, but it can be used interchangeably with other wheat flours.
Bread doughs that incorporate semolina are a pleasure to work with. Semolina has a gritty feel when it’s dry, but when it’s mixed into dough, it becomes smooth and silky. It’s almost like working with butter, but not so slippery.
Enjoy one of these Semolina Breads
This bread incorporates semolina flour as well as a sponge of whole wheat and all purpose flour for a beautiful, rustic texture.
Biscotti is twice-baked bread and this delicious biscotti is made with all-purpose and semolina flours and flavored with dry white wine, white sesame seeds, anise seed and olive oil.
This is my version of a no knead deep dish pizza made with Artisan Bread in Five Minutes Italian Semolina dough and topped with pepperoni.
In these free-form loaves, the semolina flour is paired perfectly with the sesame seeds to provide a wonderful aroma and flavor.
Pugliese is similar to ciabatta but Pugliese is usually baked in rounds rather than in the slipper shape of ciabatta.
Pane Siciliano is a fabulous bread! It’s such a treat to work with the smooth dough and shape the beautiful loaves. You don’t want to use a mixer for this dough. You’ll miss out on working with the dough.
Semolina Bread with Whole Grain Soaker
This Semolina loaf includes a flying sponge and a grain-and-seed soaker.
This type of bread is made with a flying sponge because it includes a bit of yeast to give it a boost.
This delicious Pane Siciliano utilzes a sponge made with semolina and bread flour. The dough is made with 50/50 semolina to bread flour.
This sandwich bread, known as Pane in Cassetta di Altamura, is made completely Semolina flour and olive oil.
This bread is made with semolina flour and a sourdough starter (liquid levain) which gives it a little bit of a tangy flavor.
This pizza dough is made with spelt and semolina which gives it a really crispy texture, almost like a cracker.
Semolina Spelt & Sesame Seed Loaves
Into the oven went three seeded semolina & spelt loaves and out came some cute little turtle breads.
This bread, made with Semolina and Spelt is an adapted version of the Tartine method of making artisan loaves.
Sourdough Semolina & Fennel Seed Crackers – are made with discarded sourdough starter, semolina flour, and olive oil. And, to make the crackers even more interesting, they are topped with fennel seeds.
great website— great ideas—exciting possibilities thanks tom
I made a no-knead version of this using 1 cup each of semolina,bread flour and all-purpose flour, 2 t instant yeast ,mixed with 350 ml warm water.
It gave a perfect result. !
Hi Vivian,
I’m not sure which bread you are referring to, but I’m glad you got good results.
Happy Baking!
As much as I appreciate your recipe posts, I’m quite surprised the recipes are not in grams.
Some older posts/recipes don’t include the gram measurements. To convert measurements that aren’t in grams, try this online calculator https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/cooking/cups-grams.php