This is a tale of two carnivores and a tunnel in the dough. The tale begins with two carnivores who wouldn’t eat the Soft Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns I made in the HBinFive baking group this past weekend because they had Black Bean Burgers in them. Of course, the two carnivores I’m referring to are my sons.
I have to give them a little credit though. My oldest son took a bite. He then proclaimed that it tasted like meatloaf and wouldn’t eat anymore. My youngest son attempted to eat one but said it tasted like he was eating a big bean. So, at this point, they both decided to go out and get a “real” burger.
So I ate the black bean burger on the soft whole wheat bun and thoroughly enjoyed it. The next day, I shared one with my non-meat-eating taste tester (aka BF) and he enjoyed it as well. We had the burgers with home canned pickles. They were delicious!
Here is the recipe for the black bean burgers.
They really are good even if my carnivores don’t like them!
The morale of this story is don’t bother wasting your culinary experiments on two carnivores that would rather eat a burger from a fast food joint than “real” food. Just kidding! I knew they wouldn’t eat them! But it sure was fun watching them squirm.
Remind me to tell you about the meatball episode! I will never let my oldest son forget that one! Sure wish I had gotten it on video. It would be all over uTube now.
But I digress…
Here is a picture of the whole wheat buns. I think these would also taste good as warm rolls with nothing but butter.
Moving right along…
The next part of the tale involves the tunnel of love, I mean dough.
In the HBinFive bread baking group, we also made Soft Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread from the same Healthy Bread in Five Minutes Soft Wheat Dough. I really like the fact that you can make several different breads from the same dough.
The loaf was very soft and fluffy and I had very high expectations for it. This is what it looked like when I first sliced it (see below). I was really looking forward to enjoying it with peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam. I used my PB&J test, but it didn’t pass. It tasted eggy! It’s made with 5 eggs for goodness sake! I thought I just didn’t like the bread, but soon found out what had happened.
It was gummy and not completely cooked and it had a tunnel in it. There’s a name for this phenomenon – baker’s cave or something. I don’t think I’ve ever had this happen so I decided to share it. Looks pretty cool, huh! Except it doesn’t taste very good and it’s hard to make a sandwich with a hole in the middle of the bread.
I used a skewer to test the doneness but I must not have put it completely in the middle. Next time, I’ll use a thermometer to make sure the bread is done.
Unfortunately, this one is going to the birds. Fortunate for them, I suppose. They like me!
Oh yeah! We were also supposed to make Apple Strudel Bread in the baking group, which I’m sure is delicious, but I didn’t get to that one. Please visit some of the other HBinFive bakers to find out how they liked that one. I’ll post the link to the roundup in a few days so you can view them.
Thanks for joining us today in the bread-baking blog. Look for more breads from the Healthy Bread in Five Minutes Baking Group.
About the HBinFive Baking Group
The HBinFive Baking Group, started by Michelle of Big Black Dogs, is baking through all of the breads in the Healthy Bread in Five Minutes book. For more information on the new HBinFive baking group, check out Michelle’s blog.
Happy Baking!
I’m having the hardest time posting a comment on your blog, maybe the 3rd time will work..LOL!
Hole aside, your bread looks great! Have to admit I’ve not seen bread bake with a hole in the middle before but you watch now it’ll happen to me probably next week!
Gorgeous hamburger buns!
Thanks Michelle! This one was a new experience for me as well!
Hum . . . that is a whole. I haven’t seen that before either, but you have to laugh or cry. The top looked good, there is a lesson in there some where, looks can be so deceiving.
That has happened to me before, but for the life of me, I don’t know why, either. I think you should try again, if you haven’t already. This was by far the best dough I’ve worked with so far in this book, and by even farther, the best sandwich loaf I’ve ever made. Your buns look gorgeous! (Um, nothing personal!)
Thanks Ladies! I probably will try it again sometime. I enjoyed working with this dough as well.
I know all too well about picky eaters. I’m glad you and BF enjoyed the black bean burgers. I would’ve loved to eat one with ya! Funny thing about the tunnel in your loaf. Thanks for sharing that because I’d never heard of or seen that before. Would’ve been good for eggs in a hole. The hamburger buns look terrific:D
Thanks Kim! Eggs in a hole – now there’s an idea!
Love your burgers!!!
I would love to eat the black bean burger, but living with a carnivore myself I can understand the issues.
Thanks Nancy and Elwood! The burgers were really good. I’m actually a carnivore myself but I like to try different things especially since my BF doesn’t eat meat.
I love this bread toasted with my favorite strawberry jam on it in the morning. I’ve never had the hole happen yet but I think Kim had a great idea – to make egg in the hole 😉 Wonderful burger buns!
Thanks Susan! Egg in the hole does sound like a good use for this bread.
One of mine had a tunnel as well! I think it was because it didn’t cook through and so the dough just kind of. Fell.
Those buns look awesome though!
The burgers sound really tasty. I may have to give them a try soon. Great job on your breads!
Yes, the tunnel was rather weird, but I enjoyed the buns!
Black bean burgers sound good to me! I’m going to check that recipe out. I thought maybe I should have baked my big loaf a little longer, but everyone ate it all the same!
The black bean burgers were good! I probably should’ve made a smaller loaf now that I think about it.
Love the buns! And thanks for the black bean burger recipe! I can’t wait to make those burgers.
Good photography, too!
I’ve noticed more of a need to check the breads in this book with a thermometer. I end up covering them half way and cooking them longer. It does help.
Thanks for the tips Judy!
bummer about the hole, but it still looks great! i love the black bean burgers, they sound delicious!
So you managed to make the bread version of swiss cheese! LOL. pretty funny. I’ve never seen nor heard of that (except for sour dough breads). It looks pretty enough. bummer that its gummy. Your buns look beautiful!
Hey Danielle! That’s a good way to look at it! The bread version of swiss cheese. I like that!